Evaluation August 2020 – ‘Darius’
(Name supplied – changed for confidentiality)
… Before – Due to my previous life in the middle east I was suffering from high level PTSD which was effecting my sleep and daily life for many years
….After – After starting the program with B-Attitudes it has improved that the level of PTSD that I was suffering from has been minimized to the lowest level, where I could and can deal with it.
….What helped – The program is incredibly awesome in different ways. I learned more about myself which the environment that I was living never allowed me to.
Evaluation July 2020 – ‘John’
……Before – I was lost with no direction, believing the world was out to get me. I could not trust anyone and did not want to listen to anyone. I bottled up all my problems and avoided dealing with them, only to lash out and make poor choices for myself, my family and faith, as I was faithless in my higher power.
…….After – My life is manageable, I’ve got plenty of skills to help me through it and amazing counselors to help me with anything troubling me. I’m a lot more happier , confident, caring, faithful to my higher power, lot more empathy, motivated to train and determined and ready to fix my life up.
Difference B-Attitudes made – Big difference in my attitude, respect for others and myself, my faith, my hope for my future, a lot more mature and can get through my problems assertively without any bad outcomes….. the service is extremely helpful and I’m extremely grateful for the service.
Evaluation June 2020 – ‘Colin’
Before … Angry, Did not stop to think, go off at anything 0-100, held grudges.
After …. Not angry, think about before I say or do anything, don’t hold grudges, think like an adult now. I am a better father to my kids.
What helped – Everything has helped me, especially ……. just caring and I get to get everything off my chest.
Evaluation June 2020 – ‘David’
…. Life before was a constant asking myself why! Why my life was repeating itself, why I couldn’t rid myself of the rut I was in and why I wasn’t progressing in a better life. Why was my drug use such a necessity to deal with any emotions or problems
…..Life today is organized, free flowing and concise. I have a clear understanding of my behaviours before when drug use was involved. Being able to have conversations with depth and understanding. Not being caught up in emotional but dealing with logical decisions.
Difference B-Attitudes made – B-Attitudes have made a significant difference in my recovery. Knowing how to break the drug use and manage myself in a way, showing that drug use was an acting out of my childhood state. They have given me a great insight and a way drug free lifestyle could be and the potential I have in myself.
………I have worked with numerous counseling services but B-Attitudes is actually far superior. The service provided gives you a sense of worth and actually being heard. Having a service where you can talk freely and openly with guidance and giving an understanding is refreshing.
Evaluation June 2020 – ‘Scott’
Before – I was completely overwhelmed with life and was becoming more and more depressed. I was unable to find any positive aspects of my life to focus on. I had no ability to break old habits and behavior patterns. I felt really alone and always anxious which made day to day living a constant battle. Drugs seemed like the only help available.
After – I have learned to focus on the ‘here-and-now’ and to be accepting of things that are out of my control ….. I have gained maturity which has given me control of the way I react to situations. I am able to communicate with other people in an assertive way without causing conflict or being offensive. I have been provided with insight into the root causes of my past drug use and offending behavior. I now have a level of confidence that reduces the fear of the unknown and gives hope for my future.
What helped – I find that my feelings and opinions have always been validated and that I have found support that I have never had before. Knowing that the support will not only be given whilst in prison but also on the outside provides comfort and incentive to constantly try and better myself….. feeling supported and understood ensures I’m honest and open and invite any feedback that is given.
Name supplied
I am writing this letter regarding one of the most kindest and non-judgemental helpful human beings that I have had the pleasure in meeting.
…………. (B-Attitudes) has been a tower of strength and support through my rehabilitation in recovering from an 8 – year opiate addiction. His gentle manner and wisdom have helped me stay clean. I have slipped a few times in the beginning, finding the world and life all a bit much. But, thanks to …….. who has come to the rescue, may I add I am not too trusting of humans – but with help, I am now fully recovered from my drug addiction.
May I add, I have seen psychologists, cognitive behavioural therapist, but ………has been the only person successful in my recovery. His counselling is of the utmost effective, and ….. I see a light at the end of my tumultuous journey (drugs).
I am now able to hold a job and the world… ,,,,,,shows me is not such a horrible place. He teaches me about choices, and I understand my impulsiveness …..
I owe much of my staying off drugs to him, his books, material and words of wisdom. He is a very understanding man, who sees what problems you are affected by and gently helps you recognize, accept and to become more responsible. I owe much to this man and he doesn’t even charge a fee….. I am a recovered drug addict, but still have a few issues to deal with. The journey has been long and hard but not so dark any more.
Thank you for Andrew Jackson and his wonderful team.
March 2008 – Name supplied (was on methamphetamine and alcoholic)……
I’m drug and alcohol free, speaking to ……… (B-Attitudes) has helped so much. I wanted to stop the circle of using but was at a loss of where to start. But now I am confident and reliable to myself and others in my life.
January 2008 – Name supplied
Life before described as ‘terrible’ – life today described as ‘brilliant’….
B-Attitudes has definitely helped me in my recovery. Having the support and counsel of another human being who generally cares for me and has my best interest at heart has been a pleasure.
Letter from Georgia (name changed for confidentiality)
…… I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to B-Attitudes. … I feel kinda cleansed of many issues … Thank you for your time, knowledge shared, and positive strokes. I’m starting to believe that I really am OK and life is OK. B-Attitudes is a true blessing, and I’m sure every time you help someone get that ‘Ah-ha’ moment the Lord smiles. God bless!