We were so sad and shocked to hear that our dear Delores had passed away suddenly. Delores was so consistently faithful and never gave up on us, even though our growth over 21 years has been ever so slow…
We now have a revelation of how invaluable it is to have someone who will never give up on you, believes in what you do and encourages you, and the difference it makes to continuing, regardless of obstacles and opposition. Priceless.
This was our beloved Delores.
Delores became the Financial Adviser on our Committee of Management from 29th September 2005, with Dr. Charles Slack as Chair. We are thankful that we acknowledged Delores in our Founding Members Report a year ago, at what we did not know at the time, would be the last AGM Delores would attend. She heard us say we were very thankful and appreciative of our beloved Delores Caboche, who helped us from the very beginning in 2001, was very supportive personally and through the Soroptimist International Perth, and has been solid and reliable throughout.
We will remember laughing in the lift with Delores at 56 Kings Park Road as she opened up the Soroptimist Perth office for our meetings, walking Delores back to her little supersonic red car at our last general meeting and her phone call on the 6th January 2023, as she confirmed all was well for the meeting on the 17th…
We have many loving memories of Delores, her rich history, helping multiple causes, wisdom at meetings, surprising us with Eileen Davies (former Soroptimist South Perth/Secretary B-Attitudes Committee of Management) at our last AGM, as well as a visit to Perth Zoo elephants years ago!
May God bless and keep our beloved Delores, whose life blessed many people.
Robin Woodland, Susan and Andrew Jackson and the Committee of Management B-Attitudes Inc.