B-Attitudes is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation, founded 22 years ago by three people who have a heart for empowering individuals who want to recover from alcohol and drug addiction and achieve an enduring  drug-free life.

The founding members are qualified Psychotherapists in Transactional Analysis, one a Certified Transactional Analyst in Psychotherapy.  Two have a background in Registered Nursing and Midwifery.   

The Committee of Management contributes a wide field of expertise.  B-Attitudes Chair since the beginning until the end of May 2023 has been the late Dr. Charles Slack, PhD., (he was always early, never late), who was himself a recovered addict with over 46 years ‘clean’ and sober.

Each of the three founding directors have over 25 years of experience in the field of alcohol and drug addiction and community based recovery and related family care.

Empowering individuals who want to recover from alcohol and drug addiction.